Instant Medicare provider verification - free, accurate, and always up-to-date
Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Johnson
NPI : 1234567890
PECOS Enrolled
Personal information
Name: Name
Gender: Male
Sole Proprietor : No
NPI Information
NPI: 1234567890
Entity type: Individual
Eenumeration date: -
last updated: -
Mailing Address
Line 1: -
City/State/Zip: -
Phone number: -
Fax number: -
Practice Address
Line 1: -
City/State/Zip: -
Phone number: -
Fax number: -
Last Updated : 2024-12-26
*Data from CMS PECOS Database. Last synced: December 26, 2024
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Transform your Medicare verification process
Real-Time PECOS Lookup
Multi-Provider Search Capability
CMS Status Verification
Medicare provider verification made simple
Real-time PECOS lookup
Get instant access to provider status from the official Medicare database
Smart verification
Automatic validation against current Medicare databases
Free forever
No registration or payment required
Complete Medicare PECOS Verification System
Verify provider enrollment status for:
Medicare Part B laboratory services
Medical imaging enrollment status
DME claims verification
Home health agency certification
Frequently Asked Questions About PECOS Lookup
What is PECOS?
PECOS (Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System) is Medicare's online portal for healthcare providers to enroll in Medicare. It's the official system for managing Medicare provider and supplier enrollment.
Why do I need to verify PECOS status?
PECOS verification is essential for confirming a provider's Medicare enrollment status, ensuring compliance, and validating eligibility for reimbursements. It helps prevent claim denials and ensures proper Medicare billing.
How current is the PECOS data?
Our tool connects directly to the official CMS Medicare Provider Enrollment database, providing real-time verification status. All information is synchronized with CMS's current records.
Do I need to create an account to use this tool?
No. Our PECOS verification tool is completely free to use without any registration or account creation required.
What information do I need to perform a search?
You only need the provider's NPI (National Provider Identifier) number. For multiple provider searches, you can enter multiple NPI numbers.
Is this service affiliated with CMS?
While we provide access to official CMS PECOS data, we are an independent verification tool. We connect to the official CMS Medicare Provider Enrollment system to provide accurate, up-to-date information.
How often should I verify PECOS status?
It's recommended to verify PECOS status before submitting Medicare claims and regularly check your providers' status to ensure continued enrollment. Many organizations verify monthly or quarterly.
Is the tool HIPAA compliant?
Yes, our PECOS verification tool follows all HIPAA guidelines and security protocols for handling healthcare provider information.
Start Verifying Medicare Providers Now
*Connected to official CMS Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS)